Berks County Juvenile Probation

Agency Description
The Berks County Juvenile Probation Office is an arm of the Juvenile Court of the 23rd Judicial District of Pennsylvania. The majority of referrals received are from police departments charging youth, age 10-17, with delinquent acts. The Juvenile Probation Office is responsible for holding offenders accountable by monitoring and enforcing Court orders and probation plans. The Berks County Juvenile Probation Office offers a wide range of programs and services to delinquent youth.

Mission Statement: We are committed to public safety, justice for victims, the reparation of the community and accountability and personal development of offenders, with respectful treatment for all involved.

Opportunity Results:

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Community Youth Aid Panel Volunteer
Berks County Juvenile Probation

From 08/29/2022 to

The Community Youth Aid Panel (CYAP) process is an innovative diversionary program designed to effectively address the juvenile offender. The panels are comprised of community volunteers who act as an important voice for their community. The program goals include offender accountability, victim participation and reparation, as well as community involvement. 

The panels assist in providing a means to increase the accountability and responsibility of youths for their actions, while attempting to meet the needs of the victim. This process strives to achieve two important goals: first, to prevent the youth from becoming more deeply involved in delinquent behaviors and the juvenile justice system; secondly, to hold the juvenile responsible to both the victim and the community through completion of panel imposed obligations. The panel meets monthly in person in various townships across Berks County.

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