
Book Buddies


Book Buddies is open to children in grades 1-8 who wish to practice their reading skills by reading out loud to cats in the shelter. Cats provide a non-judgmental and enthusiastic audience as they are soothed by the rhythmic sound of the children reading stories they bring from home.

Readers are welcome to read to the cats kennel side on our adoption floor after completing an application in our Better Impact system and watching a 5-minute orientation video. Reading will happen in scheduled shifts Monday through Friday between 2:30 and 4:00.


MyImpactPage - Book Buddies (betterimpact.com)




Individual or Group
Individual and Team
Starting:Saturday, May 04, 2024
Minimum age required
Minimum Age with Supervision required
Maximum age required
Volunteer Should Provide
Readers must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Prior to reading, families must complete an application in the Better Impact system and schedule a shift to come in to read through the Better Impact app. Shifts are 30 minutes long and are available Monday thru Friday from 2:30 - 4:00pm, excluding holidays.
Available to
Children (8-12)Families
Children (5-12)